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iofina plc (AIM: IOF) is a vertically integrated Company that specializes in the exploration and production of iodine and the manufacturing of specialty chemical derivatives. With operations in Kentucky and Oklahoma, Iofina’s strategy is to identify, develop, build, own and operate iodine extraction plants based on the Company’s WET® IOsorb® technology. The Company produces iodine from brine solutions produced in oil and gas fields at its multiple IOsorb® plants in Oklahoma. Iofina integrates the iodine into an array of specialty iodine derivatives, which are created and sold through Iofina Chemical to diverse global markets. Additionally, Iofina sells iodine globally and also produces other non-iodine specialty chemicals.

Iofina Resources

Iofina Resources develops, builds, owns and operates iodine extraction plants using Iofina’s WET® IOsorb® technology. Iofina currently operates six producing IOsorb® plants in Oklahoma and is consistently using technology and innovation to improve and expand its operations.

Iofina Chemical

Iofina Chemical has manufactured high quality halogen speciality chemicals derived from raw iodine, as well as non-iodine based products. Iofina Chemical will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2023 as a preeminent halogen-based specialty chemicals company.


  • Lance J Baller (NE Chairman): co-founder, CEO & President (2010-2013) of Iofina Plc former managing partner of The Elevation Fund and Elevation Capital Management.
  • Dr. Thomas M. Becker (CEO & President): President/CEO of Iofina plc since September 2014. Dr. Becker is a recognized expert in the global iodine market and has extensive production knowledge of iodine and iodine derivatives.
  • Malcolm T. Lewin (CFO): 30+ years experience in finance & accounting for both public & private companies. He has acted for various companies listed on AIM and other exchanges
  • (NED’s): Mary Fallin Christensen



P&L31 Dec 2023
31 Dec 2022
Cost of sales(34,382)(26,369)
Gross Profit15,65415,829
Profit before tax8,31410,030
Balance Sheet31 Dec 2023
31 Dec 2022
Cash 6,5185,927
Total assets60,52252,706
Total liabilities15,72214,734

Major Shareholders

  • Richard Sneller – 20.2%
  • Hargreaves Lansdown – 12.67%
  • David & Monique Newlands – 7.47%
  • Miton – 5.03%
  • Jeffery Ploen – 2.99%
  • The Diverse Income Trust – 2.98%
  • Lance Baller – 2.89%
  • UBS – 2.37%
  • Directors – 3.05%

Media Coverage

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Iodine can make chips healthier and with Iofina you have the potential for tasty profits  (Sep 2022)

“Iodine deficiency is the biggest cause of brain damage in the world… The mineral is essential for growth and development and is especially important for pregnant women. Iofina is an AIM-listed business based in Colorado, which produces iodine and turns it into compounds sold around the world. The shares are 23.25p and should increase substantially over the next few years.”

Macro Indicators

Global Iodine Market 2023-2027. The analyst has been monitoring the iodine market and is forecast to grow by 5863.09 MT during 2022-2027, accelerating at a CAGR of 3.24% during the forecast period. (Feb 2023)

This study identifies the increase in spending by the pharmaceutical industry as one of the prime reasons driving the iodine market growth during the next few years. Also, the recycling of iodine and the flourishing medical tourism industry across the globe will lead to sizable demand in the market.

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